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Monday, July 21, 2008

Places of interest

Ever thought of traveling around the world? Well I certainly did. I spend zillions of hours drifting away from boring lessons into my wonderlands, imagining the place I would one day get to go.

One of them is the quiet, peaceful, breathtaking Adelaide, Australia. They say it's the only place you would want to live in when you retire because of their slow-paced, relieving lifestyle. It's the perfect place to escape from the harsh, stressful reality that is the city. I remember watching a TV drama showing the place. It was then that I set my sights on visiting this lovely place one day.

The second place I ever want to go to is London. Quite contrasting to Adelaide, as this city is all about the hustle and bustle, which it is so famous for. Thinking about the places to visit in London makes you want to stop counting them, because they have so many of them, you cant even finish counting with all your fingers coupled with your toes. From the Buckingham Palace to the world-renown London Eye, to their sister company, the Aquarium and Mayfair- the Orchard Road of Singapore(That is, you'll have to times 10 the landmass of Orchard to even compare to that area). Definitely not a place you would like for a short vacation. And how can I forget one of my dying wishes? To actually watch a game of my beloved football club that is Arsenal at The Emirates, Live.

Another place to go would be Korea. Was only attracted to is very recently, after some research on their culture for a project. I find Korea really interesting as they put so much emphasis on social bonding and etiquette. I'll bet their people are a nice bunch.

Theres so many places I want to go... Geneva, Switzerland... Paris... the Galapagos islands... Hawaii... China... just to name a few. hahaha. I bet I'll never live to see most of them with my own eyes. Which makes you wanna treasure your life and experiences that much.

If I were to continue listing them the number I would want to visit, I think I can type enought o publish a book out of it. Heh. So lets just stop here. So hopefully, I have made you start to think about the places YOU want to go. Life's short. So start planning. Or you'll probably live to regret not to.

Staring into the glittering sky... 10:17 AM

19/05/1990 Emphatic. One who soughts after peace. Lonesome. Deep-thinker. Loyal. Reasonable. Somewhat stubborn. Once angered, not one to be mess with. Withdrawn. Pessimist. Give me your respect, and I'll devote mine to you.

Xiao Wei
[Little chibi]

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