You are listening to : >> Whatever's inside there xD <<
Saturday, August 2, 2008

Watched Money No Enough 2 today.

Find it kinda lame. Not really alot of funny parts... only some. No wonder the reactions were not pleasant. Cause its freaking put into a wrong category.

Alot actually flowed through me though in the movie. Singapore is really a harsh city to thrive in, where money talks. And the Ah ma makes you wonder alot of things.

What if you're her? Will you gladly sacrifice you life-savings to help your children? How would you feel if you were being sent to an Old Folks Home? And would you willingly sacrifice your life to save a grandchild of yours? It's really admirable for an elderly like her to be so obliging to give up everything she had to people around her.

And it certainly makes me feel that I should be doing something productive by the time im at that age. I wouldnt want to do nothing when I retire and let my body deteoriate to the point where im diagnosed with Alzeihmer's diesease. That would only serve to provide more troubles to the people taking care of you. And it certainly wouldnt help too, if they themselves have diffulculties feeding their own family.

Overall, yeah, it's a movie that's certain to make you cry(but I didnt, cause I already saw this kind of ending coming). Not for people who are expecting a laugh though, cause it's very much lame than funny.

Staring into the glittering sky... 10:18 AM

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Dont know if it's a bliss, or a curse. Being so skinny for life is something I have to live with. Also dont know how im genetically infused with it. Seeing my parents not really having this kind of genes.

Since small, no matter how much I eat, I just couldnt grow. I emptied chips, kuehs, rice, noodles etc etc etc into this puny little body of mine. And somehow, im still able to get them out, one way or another. And still munching on something an hour later.

I burn calories like paper. No need money one. hahaha.

Still, i shoould start excercising. Heard alot of stories about NS from my football kakis. If I dont beef up some arm muscles and improve my stamina, I think im dead.

Staring into the glittering sky... 8:53 AM

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Discovery Channel is teh <3~~~

Im sooooooooo in love with Discovery Channel now. And Mythbuster series is just taking my breath away. It's a pity I only saw its entertainment-cum-educational value during the 5th season. Damn I miss alot of the eps. The way they solve hypothetical theories with experiments only cartoon physics can offer is awesome. Defnitely a good show, which is why im promoting it to you people! Sapork them man!

Lets end today's post with a lovely song!

"It never gets old, huh?"
"It kinda makes you wanna-"
"-break into song?"

~I love the mountain~
~I love the clear blue sky~
~I love big bridges~
~I love when great whites fly~
~I love the whole world~
~And all its sights and sounds~


~I love the oceans~
~I love real dirty things~
~I love to go fast~
~I love Egyptian kings~
~I love the whole world~
~And all its craziness~


~I love tornadoes~
~I love arachnids~
~I love hot magma~
~I love the giant squids~
~I love the whole world~
~It's such a brilliant place~


Staring into the glittering sky... 10:57 AM

Monday, July 21, 2008

Places of interest

Ever thought of traveling around the world? Well I certainly did. I spend zillions of hours drifting away from boring lessons into my wonderlands, imagining the place I would one day get to go.

One of them is the quiet, peaceful, breathtaking Adelaide, Australia. They say it's the only place you would want to live in when you retire because of their slow-paced, relieving lifestyle. It's the perfect place to escape from the harsh, stressful reality that is the city. I remember watching a TV drama showing the place. It was then that I set my sights on visiting this lovely place one day.

The second place I ever want to go to is London. Quite contrasting to Adelaide, as this city is all about the hustle and bustle, which it is so famous for. Thinking about the places to visit in London makes you want to stop counting them, because they have so many of them, you cant even finish counting with all your fingers coupled with your toes. From the Buckingham Palace to the world-renown London Eye, to their sister company, the Aquarium and Mayfair- the Orchard Road of Singapore(That is, you'll have to times 10 the landmass of Orchard to even compare to that area). Definitely not a place you would like for a short vacation. And how can I forget one of my dying wishes? To actually watch a game of my beloved football club that is Arsenal at The Emirates, Live.

Another place to go would be Korea. Was only attracted to is very recently, after some research on their culture for a project. I find Korea really interesting as they put so much emphasis on social bonding and etiquette. I'll bet their people are a nice bunch.

Theres so many places I want to go... Geneva, Switzerland... Paris... the Galapagos islands... Hawaii... China... just to name a few. hahaha. I bet I'll never live to see most of them with my own eyes. Which makes you wanna treasure your life and experiences that much.

If I were to continue listing them the number I would want to visit, I think I can type enought o publish a book out of it. Heh. So lets just stop here. So hopefully, I have made you start to think about the places YOU want to go. Life's short. So start planning. Or you'll probably live to regret not to.

Staring into the glittering sky... 10:17 AM

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Been a month...

It's been a month since i saw you online. Wonder how you're doing now? Are studies ok? Having fun? There's so much i wanna know. When will you be online again?

Couldnt pluck up my courage to message you... Feel that i may be bothering you at whatever you're doing. Couldnt leave my eyes off the com. Afraid that you might come online any second.

Really want to see you in person. Hope that day come soon. I have so much to tell you.






Staring into the glittering sky... 7:29 AM

Monday, July 14, 2008


You are Yellow Pegasus, who makes favorable impression to all types of people, and are down-to-earth and gentle. [Never felt that way before.]
You are very intelligent, and at the same time, give an impression of being very sensitive. [Sensitive, yes. Intelligent... you be the judge. ^^]
You are a hard working person. [I admit that i'd rather get things over and done with.]
And tend to feel uneasy, if you don't have anything to do. [Never realised it, and it hit me like a wall. So true.]
Therefore, you always find some work to do. [I prefer to make full use of my time, so yeah.]
You like to work.
But this may mean that you are trying to over come your own anxiety. [Not so sure about this one.]
You have a sense of a creator. [I analyse things by breaking them down.]
Your curiosity is great, and you react to changes sensitively and quickly. [I like to know more. Donno about changing quickly]
You put importance on your instinct and preferences. [well...]
However, you can also see things subjectively and logically. [=/]
You have very youthful sense, and can come up with plans that meet the needs of the time.
But you tend to lack decision making and putting into action. [True.]
You tend to think only through your point of view, so you are not very good at making decisions relating to broader subjects. [not sure]
You are not suited to take leadership. [-shrugs- troublesome la...]
You would be good to act as a brain in a group. [I only think alot]
When you feel high about the life, you show exceptionally strong power. [Never experience that before]
If you devote yourself to work, you can come out with exceedingly good results. [Such a drag! Unless it's something I like to do]


You are Orange Sheep, who is quiet sort, and is a touchable person. [True. But touchable? huh? whats that?]
But you possess feminine attraction as well. [Shao wei & her.... notch shimple oh. LOL. ^^]
This may seem like flirting to fellow women, and may be misunderstood by men. [Someone pointed that out before]
You are a sociable, but tend to keep a distance from people, and will not show your real emotions and feelings easily. [True, true.]
Although you are modest, you are a proud person as well. [Never seen that side before]
You don't apologize or yield to things. [same as ^]
You have great tactics to make others take in your demand, without them realizing taht they are doing so. [make that x3]
You are extremely good at negotiating and bargaining.
You tend to feel isolated, and in order to overcome that loneliness, you have lots of interests. [May be true, by the looks of things]
You have sharp eyes, and can make your ideals come true by effectively adopting other people's expectations. [=O]
Although you lack leadership sort of action, you have perseverance to take up any challenge.
You can also use money efficiently, and therefore you are a shrewd shopper. [Makes a good wife. ^^]
You are good at catching the heart of men. [Well~~~~~... She certainly caught mine!]
You will be liked by different type of people. [Maybe...]
But this may give them false idea, and cause misunderstanding. [Yeah...]
Although you may take men lightly, once married, you will become a devoted wife and a mother. [That's exactly what I feel about her! So It must be true!]

Staring into the glittering sky... 6:04 AM

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Cedar girls is.... WOOOOOOOO

Accountings tut in the morning... damn sian of that subject. Im already done and dusted with Maths, and would never want to touch it again. Then this stupid subject comes along and give me more.


So systematic. So dry. So lame. Should get this over and done with.

Now comes the interesting part.

On the way back home on the train. Was quite sad larh... go past Bugis and no girls board the train... But Lavender brought one. And to me, the one is really really enough.

Actually she looks ok la... not someone that you will go 'WOW' about her. But nonetheless, she gave me a 'woah' factor. The smaller scale of 'WOW'. Heh.

Initially she was standing in the middle. And she had her back facing me, whose leaning to the glass plane. Was going, "Aww, so near... but yet so far".

Then came Kallang, where the person just across me, leaning on the other glass plane alighted. And the girl saw it, and decided to occupy that space. I went "Oh gosh. this isnt happening." And on the way there, we actually made a bit of eye contact. Damn PAISEH larh... LOL. And so, I decided to have a careful analysis about her.

First, the hair. Quite neatly tied up. Looks good with her ponytail-ed hair just long enough to cover abit more of her shoulders. Clips her fringe onto the centre, something like how M used to do back in the secondary school days.

Next, the face. Was actually abit negative at 1st. But when I got to view it at a better angle, it looks quite good. The eyes are quite large, like you-know-who. Heh. Other than that, nothing exceptional. But nothing bad either.

Third, the height. Tried to stand straight and compared. If she were to do the same, should be around half a head lower than me. Wow. Just like M again.

Lastly, the figure. Not your 38-24-28 kind, just enough to make her look like a normal sized girl. A tad bit darker than your average girl in skin tone.

Based on the overall appearance, she looks like the 'in-the-middle' kind, quite good in studies, but at the same time, outgoing. Seems to be a bit independent. Not alot. Come to think of it, she looks like 白歆惠 because of her eyes.

Was quite looking forward to alighting at the same stop as her... but alas, fate never favoured us, and she alighted one stop ahead, Simei. I was like "noooooooo..." HAHAHA.

And so ends my day with an observatory report of her: Someone-I'll-never-get-to-know

Total marks: Just enough for an A. 75/100

More to come...

Staring into the glittering sky... 9:04 AM

19/05/1990 Emphatic. One who soughts after peace. Lonesome. Deep-thinker. Loyal. Reasonable. Somewhat stubborn. Once angered, not one to be mess with. Withdrawn. Pessimist. Give me your respect, and I'll devote mine to you.

Xiao Wei
[Little chibi]

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